Bryaninops yongei

Bryaninops yongei

Bryaninops yongei

The Whip Goby is semi-transparent. It has a silver line above the lateral line and usually six red-brown bars on the sides. Grows to 4 cm in length. The species usually occurs as a male/female pair on the seawhip Cirripathes anguina. Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia. Nikon D300, Sea and Sea MDX-D300, Ys-250 Strobes, 2x Teleconverter.
Photocomp May '10 - Open


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Diving Raja Ampat - The Resort Experience in MisoolDiving Raja Ampat - The Resort Experience in Misool
In 2004, a group of Europeans set up a resort in the middle of nowhere about four hours by speedboat from Sorong, West Papua. Batbitem, an island near the Fiabacet-Boo chain in the southeast Misool area of Raja Ampat was to be the new 'Eden'.
Underwater Card 2