Small and cozy dive resort in Manado. 7 rooms, 14 guests maximum. Pool, restaurant,Wifi, botanical gardens."for us, you are not just another tourist. For you we are not just another dive resort."
The tropical seas from the shores of East Africa, the Red Sea, through to South East Asia and then eastward to Australia, the Solomons and extending to the islands of Hawaiian Islands is the worlds richest marine province.
Once you have had an amazing time somewhere it always worries me to want to go back. Will it be as good as the first time? Will things have changed? Have things stayed the same, but you have changed?
The tropical seas from the shores of East Africa, the Red Sea, through to South East Asia and then eastward to Australia, the Solomons and extending to the islands of Hawaiian Islands is the worlds richest marine province.
Once you have had an amazing time somewhere it always worries me to want to go back. Will it be as good as the first time? Will things have changed? Have things stayed the same, but you have changed?