
Beth and Shaun Tierney
Sherborne, UK, United Kingdom
+44 1963220095
Last Updated

2015-09-17 16:03:49


Shaun and Beth Tierney started diving not long after a round-the-world trek when they spent long spells in the tropics, floating over vivid coral reefs but wishing they were down below with the divers.

They started working as a photo-journalist team way back in the 90's, which led to the creation of SeaFocus, a resource based website for divers. Its focal point is an extensive collection of underwater photography taken on expeditions to some of the world's most exotic dive destinations. They have been published in magazines worldwide as well as newspapers, books, travel guides and on the Internet.

They are the authors of Diving the World for Footprint Guides, which is now in its third edition and is available as both a printed book and as a digital download. Their regional guide, Diving Southeast Asia is also now available digitally. They wrote the Essential Christmas Island Travel Guide for Christmas Island Tourism and are currently working on a step-by-step guide for beginner divers.



Training Level:

Master Scuba Divers

Boat Description:

Sites Visited:


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Beth and Shaun Tierney
Sherborne, UK, United Kingdom
+44 1963220095
Last Updated

2015-09-17 16:03:49

Underwater Card 2